Feb 27, 2011

Poppies, Poppies, Poppies

I'll be posting a series of cards I made as Christmas gifts for family this last holiday season.  The cards were combined as a set of twelve in a very simple, upholstered box constructed for the dimensions of the twelve cards.  The color scheme for each box was chosen with the particular individual in mind.
Initially, I was designing a totally different box, much more complex, but after two months and 96 cards later. . . I revised my plan!

I'll be posting photos of the boxes at the end of this series to give you an idea of how choices in cardstock and pattern can make such a dramatic difference.

I'll also be posting the recipes for the cards as I go but of course, couldn't find my notes for this first one, poppies.  Hope you enjoy anyway and keep checking back. . .or. . .better yet, "follow me" on my blog! 

1 comment:

  1. This is gorgeous and artistically so,
    you are a artist!

    Knowing all the research that you have done with papers and applications, your work has presented its self a professional look by far.

    Totally looking forward to seeing all the other art pieces you designed.
    ...detailing for the art of it, Tootsie
